RFID Security System Project

  • Click play to view video of project
  • Language: C/C++
  • Arduino: MEGA 2560
  • Project date: June, 2020
  • Project code: Click here to view code

Arduino MEGA 2560 - RFID Security System

This project depicts the power of the RFID module and tags. A security box is constructed using various pieces of hardware (see below). View the video above to see how the system operates and the source code can be found via the link above or just by clicking here.

Hardware used: Arduino MEGA 2560, RFID-RC522, I2C 20x4 LCD Display, HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Range Distance Sensor, SG90 Servo Motor, Active Buzzzer, Power Source (x4 AA), Green & Red LEDs, Breadboard & Wires.

Click here for downloadable image of circuit scematic

Click here for video of system