Theremin: Gesture Controlled Musical Intrument

  • Click play to view video of project
  • Project date: May, 2022
  • For full project write-up: Click Here
  • For full project schematics: Email

Theremin: Gesture Controlled Musical Intrument

The Theremin is an electronic musical instrument that is played without physically touching the instrument at all. The instrument is named after its inventor, Leon Theremin, who invented the device in 1920. Making a theremin from scratch utilizes many fundamental concepts in electrical engineering that a practicing electrical engineer should be familiar with.

This project was a joint project done with another UCSB student (Nihal Singh) in junction with the ECE 137B Analog Circuits class at UCSB.
For our full write up of this project, click here.

As this is still an ongoing project at UCSB, I have redacted images of the circuits we used, but still reference to the names of the circuits in the report. This is just to get away from giving the next generation of students a full report and design.

I also want to note Nihal Singh's contribution to this project as monumental, I was greatful to have a partner like him on this project.